Thursday 21 April 2016

22. Evaluation Questions - 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel like I now understand magazine conventions a lot better than I ever did before. Because of the music magazine analysis of my front cover, contents page and double page spread, I now understand how music magazines use different features and techniques to draw audiences in. I started to understand magazine conventions at the beginning of starting the main task, as i were analyzing a lot of music magazines, in order to see what approaches they use to attract their audience. There are a lot more features that I now understand since I have been doing the main task, this then helps to attract the audience, as my magazine now looks much more professional. I had never used PhotoShop before, so i were very unsure on what to do. My edited photos then drastically improved from the preliminary task to the main task, as I then became much more confident with PhotoShop and also had gotten more use with the different tools, As I have now learnt much more about PhotoShop, I now feel like my standard of work has then very much so improved. My photo shoot also improved in my main task than in my preliminary task. This is because I planned what shots I were going to do. I definitely planned this out much more in my main task, than in my preliminary task. I also considered the location much more in my main task too, I didn't plan the location in my preliminary task, as I did not think that it would really matter too much. I am glad that I planned the locations in my main image, as it gives a clue to the genre of my magazine and also attracts and draws in an audience much better. I did not use any props in my preliminary task, so using props in my main task was a good option, as this then brings much more attention towards the images, which then gives clues to the purpose of the image.

22. Evaluation Questions - 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When conducting my music research, I had to set up a blog to put my coursework on. I set it up on Blogger, all my coursework is based on there. I have typed up my coursework onto Blogger. I used Microsoft PowerPoint to create some of my work on, which i then put onto Blogger, I found that it is a very god way to create coursework on. I used a camera to take my images for my magazine, then I also used Photoshop, to create my final images for my magazine. I used Prezi for my music genre research, it is an easy and very creative way to create coursework on.

22. Evaluation Questions - 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by using a colour scheme which attracts the reader's eye. I also used clear images, with a an appropriate clothing style, to fit with the magazine genre, this then attracted the readers. I also created a vast amount of feature stories on my front cover, as the front cover is obviously the first thing which the reader will notice when picking up the magazine. On my front cover, the models in the main image are looking directly at the camera, this then gives direct eye contact with the reader, this then creates an emotion within the reader, then making the experience more personal. I also made the large fonts in the cover lines bold, so that the readers can still see the content clearly from quite a distance. The cover lines have also been made interesting and include names of existing rappers, this then allows the reader to recognize the rappers, which then makes them find out what the magazine briefly covers.

22. Evaluation - 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My Target audience would be older teens to young adults, as this age group stereo-typically listens to rap music and so they would be more likely to read the magazine. My magazine may also be read more frequently by this age group, because the language would appeal to my audience more, as the informality of 'slang' which would be used in the magazine would appeal to the audience better. My magazine is targeted at both genders, yet could be seen as more appealing towards males more than females, this is because hip hop/ rap culture links in with males more strongly than it does with females. Males are more frequently presented in rap and hip hop culture, this make my audience more towards males than females.Hip hop and rap culture links in with black culture more than white or Asian culture, so although my magazine is aimed towards all races, some may see my magazine as more appealing towards the black culture.My magazine is aimed at the working class to lower middle class, as they are the groups at which are most likely to buy my product, This is because they may be more likely to buy this product as young peoples' achieved status would be working class, however lower middle class people my still buy this product if their ascribed status is middle class. I have also targeted these groups, as these people may have money to be able to spend on luxury items; while my magazine isn't expensive, it also isn't a necessity which gives the impression of it being a luxury item.