Thursday 21 April 2016

22. Evaluation - 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My Target audience would be older teens to young adults, as this age group stereo-typically listens to rap music and so they would be more likely to read the magazine. My magazine may also be read more frequently by this age group, because the language would appeal to my audience more, as the informality of 'slang' which would be used in the magazine would appeal to the audience better. My magazine is targeted at both genders, yet could be seen as more appealing towards males more than females, this is because hip hop/ rap culture links in with males more strongly than it does with females. Males are more frequently presented in rap and hip hop culture, this make my audience more towards males than females.Hip hop and rap culture links in with black culture more than white or Asian culture, so although my magazine is aimed towards all races, some may see my magazine as more appealing towards the black culture.My magazine is aimed at the working class to lower middle class, as they are the groups at which are most likely to buy my product, This is because they may be more likely to buy this product as young peoples' achieved status would be working class, however lower middle class people my still buy this product if their ascribed status is middle class. I have also targeted these groups, as these people may have money to be able to spend on luxury items; while my magazine isn't expensive, it also isn't a necessity which gives the impression of it being a luxury item.

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